.: Beast Mode: 2020 through 2029 :.

I started and ended the 2010s in different cities - I began the decade living in Los Angeles; midway, I moved back to San Francisco to live with my mom and at the end of the decade, my mom and I made the move to fabulous Las Vegas.

January 2011, I decided to embrace both a selfless and selfish kind of love. I started focusing on myself ...discovering life on my own …meeting new people, learning a new language (japanese), learning how to dance salsa and lindy hop, taking up sewing, crocheting, calligraphy, bookbinding …you name it, I tried it. I started making goals for myself again.

After attending Camp Hollywood as a first time spectator in July 2012, I intended on returning as a performer the following year. My goal was to choreograph a salsa/lindy hop routine and perform it. It didn’t matter that I was an amateur in both forms of dance - I had to do it. So, I manifested a dance partner January 2013, who had a salsa/lindy hop background and was willing to try my crazy idea and choreography. Together, we made it all happen by September 2013. My number one bucket list item for 2013 had been checked off ...and it felt great.

Moving back to San Francisco in 2014 was not easy for me because I had fallen in love with Los Angeles after 14 years …the weather, the creativity, the cool places to hang out, the awesome food, the friendly people …oh my! ….Ironically, I had left my heart in LA.

I’m grateful that I was born and raised in San Francisco, but the city I grew up in had drastically changed. The best years in San Francisco will always be prior to 2000.

By January 2016, I had succumbed to my new life where I felt I had unintentionally traveled back to in my delorian …I remember thinking on October 15, 2015, Seriously?! …am I really here?! But on a positive note, I was inspired to rebrand my social media profile from Tiadee/TiadeeToo to Cotodi [coto-dye] and dream of a new future.

I believe that everything happens for a reason and I’m not surprised that my mother and I ended up living in Las Vegas. See, I had been thinking about moving to Las Vegas since 2013/2014 after I read an Inflight Southwest Magazine article on Tony Hsieh and Zappos. I was inspired by his vision of downtown Las Vegas. So, although I didn’t know how I would ever move to Las Vegas at that time, the *hows* presented themselves over time …synchronicity was already in motion.

Here’s a quote from Slash of Guns N’Roses: “Once you’ve lived a little you will find that whatever you send out into the world comes back to you in one way or another. It may be today, tomorrow, or years from now, but it happens; usually when you least expect it, usually in a form that’s pretty different from the original. Those coincidental moments that change your life seem random at the time but I don’t think they are. At least that’s how it’s worked out in my life and I know I’m not the only one."

I’d like to add that those coincidental moments that change someone's life are called meaningful coincidences ….synchronicity at its’ best. So! Moving back to San Francisco to live with my mom in 2014 was not random. The universe knew I had to be there for my mom in 2018 when she needed me the most.

Discovering my Meyers Briggs type towards the end of the decade also helped me to tie the loose ends in understanding and accepting myself. Why I fight so hard. Why I love so hard. Why I don’t look for love and wait for it to happen organically (there’s beauty in the waiting - the next total solar eclipse will be amazing). Why I choose to have a select few that I call friends. Why I enjoy being alone most of the time. I’m a dreamer, an idealist, as well as a realist. I’m a dark horse, who understands and cheers for other underdogs. I am Yoda and the Hulk all in one …and because of this level of understanding, I now I feel comfortable in this complex world ...I was to able to hear Las Vegas whispering fearlessly to me: “It’s time!"

I no longer miss Los Angeles. Vegas has given me and my mother the opportunity to start over and create a whole new life that’s filled with mini adventures - there’s lots to do here for the two of us and it has become not only our playground, but our foothold.

So with the roaring 20s anew, I’ve been thinking and sensing my 1 year, 2 year, 5 year and 10 year. Although I’m highly aware that life can throw curve balls at any given time, the idea is to carry on through these pauses. Feeling is the secret. …and I’m feeling anchored in Las Vegas …what I lost in Cali in the last decade, I have regained in Nevada. With this new found base, I feel ready to create my future.

“What you feel deeply is far more important than what you are thinking. You may think about doing something for a long time and never do it, but when you feel something deeply you are spurred to act – and God acts! He who is the cause of all life acts through the sense of feeling. You can think of a thousand things, yet not be moved to act upon one of them. A deep conviction – felt, is far more important than anything you could ever think.” ~ Neville Goddard

My 2020 to 2029 intentions:


• kicking ass at my new job as a graphic designer

• taking classes to further my graphic design and photography skills

• creating, developing and sustaining a passive income stream

• creating and developing more surface design collections

• finding a platonic male friend/dance partner, who loves both salsa & lindy hop

• buying a new canon or sony mirrorless camera and lenses to compliment

• seeing one las vegas show per month for fun

• eating and drinking more greens

• paying down my credit card


• having a cohesive surface design collection and collections

• finessing my photography

• collaborating ideas with a dance partner

• credit card paid off


• licensing my designs

• traveling to dance festivals with a dance partner

• buying a mini cooper again


• be ready for new love

• retiring early and working from my home part-time.

I’m definitely excited about the possibilities.


I've been really inspired by Doris Eaton Travis for quite some time now. The first time I came across her picture, I had no idea who she was. I was at a vintage shop in Northridge, strolling the countless aisles of history and masterpieces I came across throughout the store. On a bookshelf, this colorful and outstanding book cover stood out from the rest; I just had to pick it up and turn the pages.

Since I was studying Graphic Design at the time, I was a bit more interested in the design of the cover; I just loved the combination of old meets new. Although, I really wanted to own this book, I didn't buy it that day and so, life went on.

...that was six years ago. 

Then a little over a year and half ago, I came across a stunning photograph on Pinterest, of an older woman posing in front of a portrait of her younger self in the background. I thought it was a wonderful and beautiful shot idea; so I pinned it to one of my boards. Nonetheless, her story did not catch my attention until I came across this same exact picture again about three months ago and read someone's comment that she had passed away at the age of 106. That night I learned her name and read her remarkable story on The Midnight Palace blog on Tumblr. I will forever be impressed that she received her bachelor's degree at the age of 88. 

Tonight, filtering through Pinterest for more photos of this fascinating lady, I make the connection that the girl, on the cover of the book I found so compelling six years ago at the vintage shop, was, in fact, Doris Eaton Travis. 

Century Girl: 100 Years in the Life of Doris Eaton Travis, Last Living Star of the Ziegfeld Follies by Lauren Redniss 

Century Girl: 100 Years in the Life of Doris Eaton Travis, Last Living Star of the Ziegfeld Follies by Lauren Redniss


:: selfless love ::


have a selfless valentine's day!

do small things with great love! mother teresa knew best...

the true meaning of valentine's day is about the random act of kindness done through love. 

spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house... let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting. ~ mother teresa

so show someone *love* by paying it forward today with any of these random act of kindnesses! 

happy valentine's day!



:: grateful for ::

november is native american heritage month and thanksgiving is just around the corner. although i am not native american, i am honduran-american. my mom and abuelita taught me to appreciate the indigenous people of honduras when i was growing up. our hallway had countless indigenous wall art from the many trips my family took to and from honduras.

because of my upbringing, i’ve had this natural appreciation for cultures. i fell in love with oahu and its culture when i was 8 years old, on my first trip to hawaii. so, the idea of celebrating the native americans here, on the mainland, doesn’t seem so far-fetched to me. the canadians do; so could we. 

i was highly impressed with canada, when i took a trip I took to vancouver & victoria back in 2004. aboriginal pride seemed to be celebrated everywhere i visited, and it was a beautiful scene to witness. although the images below are not my personal photographs, i had to round up a few pictures for you to get an idea of what i saw randomly on the streets of vancouver & victoria. 

i found it quite remarkable to see a totem pole standing tall in front of the parliament building in victoria and men carving totem poles live at the parks i visited. it would be nice to see the native american culture embraced here this way, outside of visiting neighboring indian casinos for fun & personal entertainment. 

for now, researching & attending the local pow pows, near or around my neighborhood, would be a great start in learning more about the native american culture. below are images showcasing their beautiful craftsmanship & artistry in design.

one of my favorite native american quotes comes from christal quintasket, also known as mourning dove.

it goes without saying that native american ideologies still echo in our society today:

          §  sustainability

           § eco-conscious

           §  organic living

           § holistic healers

           §  diy crafters

           § upcycling geniuses

           §  spiritual beings

           §  respectful of mother nature

….and for this, i’m truly grateful.

i have included images of native american recipes and two intriguing books that could be of interest for all those who love to cook and read about holistic healing through natural foods. 

*thanksgiving* is a time to be joyful, grateful and thankful for all the people in our lives, our loved ones...family & friends. but let’s not forget the world we live in day-to-day.

chief seattle said it best:

*we do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrowed it from our children.*

so, i leave you with the last set of images that are truly majestic. the beauty of mother earth is unreal in some of these images. i am truly grateful for her and thankful that i have been given the opportunity live in it all these years. for without her, i wouldn't be able to celebrate joyous days with my family and friends.

i hope you enjoy all the images i have collected into galleries for your wonder …each image is linked to its original source for your intriguing mind …just hover over the image to read the description & view the link.

:: dia de los muertos ::


a couple of weeks ago, i went to my first *dia de los muertos* festival at the hollywood forever cemetery and i had an extraordinary time. at first, i was a little hesitant about going to a cemetery to *party like a rock star*. but because my lil one, noki, passed away a year ago on october, 27 2012, i was compelled to go & celebrate his lil life. 

i’ll admit that i have always been drawn to the artistry of *dia de los muertos,* decorative colorful skulls that reminded me of jack the pumpkin king from the nightmare before christmas, and I’ve always thought it was a cool idea to celebrate the afterlife; i just didn’t fully understand the hows and the whys. somehow, i couldn't get the idea out of my head that celebrating at a grave site was impolite and a bit ominous.






so, the morning of the event, i decided to do a little research about *dia de los muertos* and i discovered, while watching the BBC culture documentary titled, feasts, on youtube, the most remarkable & relevant facts about this wonderful indigenous, aztec-mexican, holiday; it really put me at ease in celebrating *dia de los muertos* that day for noki.

here are 30 facts that I have rounded up between my youtube & web research that I would like to share with you :)



1. oaxaca, pronounced wah-ha-ka, is a state, located in southwestern mexico, best known for its indigenous peoples and cultures. it’s much more aztec than spanish.

2. dia de los muertos is an important holiday and tradition in oaxaca.

3. the aztecs always celebrated death. they believe that life is just a dream…and that only in death is one truly awake. ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFt8-WdstQA

4. the celebrations begin on october 31 and continue through november 2. http://oaxacaculture.com/2011/05/dia-de-los-muertos-day-of-the-dead-in-oaxaca-mexico-history-and-traditions/

5. october 31 is a day of preparation. gender roles are more traditionally defined in rural mexico and women perform the housecleaning and food preparation, while men build clay altars in the home. ~ http://www.fest300.com/festivals/dia-de-los-muertos

6. november 1 is dedicated to children and infants, dia de los angelitios (day of the little angels). offerings of candies and favorite toys are placed at the altars in the hope that the spirits will absorb the essence and be nourished for their journey back to the underworld. ~ http://www.fest300.com/festivals/dia-de-los-muertos

7. november 2, dia de los muertos, is for the adults. calaveras (decorated skulls) are bigger and more elaborate, rituals are more complex and food is spicier and served with shots of tequila. ~ http://www.fest300.com/festivals/dia-de-los-muertos

8. assured that the dead would be insulted by mourning or sadness, dia de los muertos celebrates the lives of the deceased with food, drink, parties and activities the dead enjoyed in life. 


9. dia de los muertos is like celebrating the birthday of someone who has passed away. ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFt8-WdstQA

10. although the skeleton is a predominant symbol for both halloween and dia de los muertos, the meaning is very different. ~ http://oaxacaculture.com/2011/05/dia-de-los-muertos-day-of-the-dead-in-oaxaca-mexico-history-and-traditions/

11. in mexico, the skeleton (calavera, pronounced ka-la-ver-a) represents the dead playfully mimicking the living and not a macabre symbol at all. ~ http://oaxacaculture.com/2011/05/dia-de-los-muertos-day-of-the-dead-in-oaxaca-mexico-history-and-traditions/

12. la calavera catrina is dia de los muertos most famous character. she represents a rich old lady and serves to remind everyone that even money can't keep us from death. ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFt8-WdstQA


13. yellow and orange marigolds are the flowers most often used to decorate during dia de los muertos. they are called 'cempazuchitl', pronounced cem-paz-weet-chlin, in mexico, and the aztecs thought they symbolized death. ~ http://rhinestonearmadillo.typepad.com/my_weblog/2011/10/more-day-of-the-dead-traditions.html

14. it is thought that the scent of the marigold petals forms a welcome path for the spirits to return to the altar or their graves. ~ http://rhinestonearmadillo.typepad.com/my_weblog/2011/10/more-day-of-the-dead-traditions.html

15. yellow and orange marigolds are also known as the flower with 400 lives. 


16. eating is central to the whole experience of dia de los muertos. ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFt8-WdstQA

17. mole, pronounced mo-ley, is a traditional oaxacan sauce that's been served since long before the spanish arrived. cooked mainly for special, formal & elegant occasions, it's the food of choice for welcoming back the dead. ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFt8-WdstQA

18. oaxacan people don't have a lot of money for things in general, but they will always have money for the food and flowers to celebrate this special occasion. ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFt8-WdstQA

19. the word *ofrenda* means offering in spanish. ~ http://www.inside-mexico.com/ofrenda.htm

20. ofrendas are an essential part of dia de los muertos celebrations. they are also called altares or altars, but they are not for worshiping. ~ http://www.inside-mexico.com/ofrenda.htm

21. ofrendas are set up to remember and honor the memory of their ancestors. ~ http://www.inside-mexico.com/ofrenda.htm

22. dia de los muertos is celebrated by making beautiful altars to attract the spirits of those who have died to your home. ~ http://www.latintimes.com/articles/9573/20131024/what-dia-de-los-muertos-history-costumes.htm#.UonIlqVUhPM

23. the alter should have the favorite foods of the deceased and the four elements of nature represented in the altar: water, wind, fire, and earth. ~ http://www.latintimes.com/articles/9573/20131024/what-dia-de-los-muertos-history-costumes.htm#.UonIlqVUhPM

24.  since the spirit is coming back, good food is prepared for them …since the dead love to eat delicious food. ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFt8-WdstQA

25. families hold vigils, visit cemeteries of loved ones, and prepare delicious foods. homes are typically adorned with photographs of those who have died. ~ http://www.latintimes.com/articles/9573/20131024/what-dia-de-los-muertos-history-costumes.htm#.UonIlqVUhPM

26. the basic belief behind día de los muertos is that the human soul does not die. as such, while an individual may pass away, their soul can travel to and from this world and the afterlife, allowing loved ones' souls to visit. ~ http://www.latintimes.com/articles/9573/20131024/what-dia-de-los-muertos-history-costumes.htm#.UonIlqVUhPM


27. on dia de los muertos, the dead are a part of the community, awakened from their eternal sleep to share celebrations with their loved ones. ~ http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/media/dia-de-los-muertos/?ar_a=1

28. you don't just acknowledge the dead once. you can always look forward to their return as long as you live. ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl25Uf9RpdA

29. when you celebrate death, grief is slightly easier to bear. ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl25Uf9RpdA

30. dia de los muertos is neighborly. ~ tiadee

i feel very close & connected to noki. because of him, i believe in eastern-western medicine; because of him, i believe in the beauty of dia de los muertos. that little munchkin cat had a profound impact on my life. i truly miss him.

:: octolloween ::

what i love about fashion is …it's an extension of everyday all hallows eve. i found this picture on pinterest and my imagination says it's betty boop dressed up as harley quinn.

i was very excited this year about halloween, and coined the term Octolloween. it doesn't make sense to wait 30 days in October to dress up as your inspired character. here's what Octolloween means...

Oc•tol•lo•ween [oc-tah-la-ween] noun ~ the celebration of the month of October; the days & evenings before All Hallows Eve/Halloween: observed especially by young contemporary or rejuvenile adults who bake, cook, craft during the month of October…with family or friends or solo inspired; not limited to one costume for the BIG day, for Halloweenists are free to dress up as many times for any & all special occasions during the month of October. this appeases the wait for All Hallows Eve. 

my friends and i had a blast last month octollobombing at bars & restaurants, dressed up as our inspired characters…mini mouse, peter pan, clark kent/superman to name a few. of course, they were not over-the-top costumes, but the idea of Octolloween is to be inspired by Halloween Couture, to create an any day, lifestyle, halloween costumes for the month of October.

after a successful Octolloween 2013, i'm sharing this concept for all to enjoy, for next year ;) would love to see pictures of your Octolloween 2014!

:: learn or share a skill ::

i recently came across this website *skillshare.com* ....the future is finally here ;) what a genius concept. both student and teacher can benefit from this sad economy we are living in...one can learn on a dime and the other can pocket this change while doing something great for their community. it only makes sense to make education feasible for everyone by going back to roots ...learning a trade as an apprentice through a master craftsman. only now, it^s virtual and you can apprentice under anyone globally. TRULY AMAZING!

what is an apprenticeship? apprenticeship is a system of training a new generation of practitioners of a structured competency on a basic set of skills. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apprenticeship

i still value a traditional education - i graduated with a degree in marketing many many years ago. school was still semi-affordable and a degree had merit and weight. if you look at craigslist listings these days, businesses are starting to hire marketing assistants with only a high school diploma. why not! a few lucky high schoolers go to some amazing schools [that offer classes in adobe creative suites]. these high schoolers become so proficient with the program by the time they graduate, they have mastered it. makes sense to me. 

i took a class in Adobe Flash back in 2008, and i was in a room filled with high school sophomores [soon to be juniors that fall], who were taking a summer school class just for the fun of it. they were extremely lucky to have been part of a program their high school had to offer them ...and on day 1, while we all awaited the professor to arrive to class, these kids were already animating shorts. the few of us, who were twice the age of these kids at the time, just sat and watched in amazement. why were they even in the class? lol

i continue to go to school to learn new subjects that interest me so, that i can stay competitive and further my career in mixed media design. seeing and experiencing the rising cost of education, and seeing it change and evolve the way it has, makes skillshare.com more desirable for everyone. it^s for the people, who just want to take a class for the fun of it, or for those who are unsure about what they want to major in and are looking to dabble a bit, and for those who are just graduating from a high school, that could only offer the basics in education due to a tight budget ...and at 18, you really don't know what you want to be. the world is your oyster ...why not have fun and test the waters with skillshare.com.

going to school and getting an education is extremely expensive these days. the hope is that when one graduates from a university, one can find a great jobby-job, but so many graduates are having an extraordinarily hard time finding them these days. so, they end up with a huge school debt and no job to help pay it back for a long while.

what i see skillshare.com doing is two things:

1). it opens the door for someone\anyone to test the waters in a particular area without having to pour a lot of money into school first. [that was the idea for community colleges, but even community colleges have become pricey.] if that person happens to like that particular area of interest, then it only makes sense to pursue that career in school and make the financial commitment to pursue it through formal education. skillshare.com represents a potential dream ...coming to fruition for someone who wasn^t fortunate to have the money to afford college. it represents another avenue of getting ahead in our digital world.

2). it also creates an avenue for someone\anyone with a unique talent or skill to teach a whole new generation of people how to do this lost art ...to share this knowledge before it becomes extinct. i see handwriting becoming a skillshare class one day. [i can^t believe it^s being taken off the elementary school curriculum.] *the best part* of skillshare is that these classes don^t *all* have to be virtual...so the course instructor can designate a meeting place if desired. this opens the door for so many classes such as: dance, music, theatre. [i personally love going to school, so i wouldn^t mind if these classes became available in my area too: short-hand, marker rendering techniques, and many more DIY type classes.]

bottom line, if you have skill and want to share it with the world *and/or* if you^re ready to explore and to broaden your mind with a new skill, then this is your platform. i encourage all my talented friends not only to take a class, but also to teach one ;) 

:: how i grew to *like* the 1920s ::

with the excitement of the great gatsby coming out this friday, may 10, i wanted to dedicate todays blog to art deco fashion in the 1920s and how i grew to love this era.

i enjoy celebrating this look on pinterest through many *likes* or *repins* on my own boards. the art deco era was such a beautiful time....fashion, interior design and art...the aesthetics have become timeless due to it^s clean geometric shapes involved in dress form, men^s suits, architecture & commercial art. 

i used to think i was born in the wrong era. but it^s completely ok to live in the *now* and appreciate the *then.* i especially appreciate it when the *now* makes it their own by adding current flair to an old style. grace coddington won me over when i opened the pages of vogue in 2007 [way before i became aware that there was a documentary being worked on called *the september issue*]; i fell in love with every picture that related to a 1920s look *made modern* ...i remember flipping through these pages from vogue and beginning my fashion romance with art deco & the 1920s.

then, when *500 days of summer* came out, it was shot in such a way, that mysteriously celebrated these art deco buildings without really screaming downtown los angeles. i became curious and wanted to learn more about these buildings in this city...the exterior of the eastern building and the interior of the bradbury building were two must sees for me. so my inquisitive and googling mind led me to the los angeles conservancy tours. this is where i began my love affair of taking these art deco walking tours.​

with that said, i^m still in the exploratory phase of art deco in graphic design. the picture i use in my header, i found on pinterest but it didn^t lead me to an actual source. so, please know i am only borrowing it for my lil blog. however, for my purposes, i decided to colorize the picture to make it brighter and a bit more contemporary ~ that^s the fun part about living in the *now* ~ you can make those changes ;)

anyways, if you want to explore more fashion pictures of the 1920s, feel free to check out my pinterest board called bees knees.


:: new beginnings ::


um...WOW...i guess i took a two and half year hiatus from tiadee, last blogging about the beehive beasties on October 18, 2010 [www.tiadee.wordpress.com]. a lot has happened since then. I’ve realized that life goes on after failed relationships ...and that all things art, inspirational quotes, yoga, music and dancing are the remedies to a happy & balanced life – a lil more about that [health & wellness] on sprightly b.

so, after letting life take over and riding a huge wave - the big kahuna would be proud ;)  I’m ready and excited to get back on the blogging surf world on tiadee and share my POV about art & design and what inspires me and hopefully inspire all of you too :)

2013 has been a year of new & exciting beginnings!!! 
